Logo of LettsArt, with Grey Letts and gold Art

LettsArt Blog

22 February 2023
All the New Features from LettsArt's Latest Update

LettsArt offers the most advanced gallery website system for the art world. FREE for artists, and now also for studios, galleries, art dealers and museums. The most recent update to LettsArt has seen a number of new features added to the platform, in this instructional article we explain what each of them are, how they […]

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19 January 2023
Posting to your LettsArt gallery

You've got set up on LettsArt. Your gallery is optimised, so that your art is just where you want it, you've got collections and featured art, and you're ready to have collectors and viewers journey through your own gallery space following the steps you've carefully planned out. Now in this article we will explain how […]

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21 December 2022
Going from your First Artwork to your First Collection

So you've set up your LettsArt gallery, and uploaded your first pieces of art to your gallery. You might now be trying to figure out how you can arrange your art and guide visitors through your new gallery. LettsArt has some advanced algorithms that ensure the art you have uploaded will be sorted to allow […]

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6 December 2022
Adding Art, Collections and Posts at LettsArt just got a whole lot easier!

As we come to the end of LettsArt's private beta and head to the full public launch in a few weeks, we will be writing a series of posts which highlight all the amazing new features we have released. The private beta has lasted 9 months and a bunch of incredible artists, some well known […]

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17 November 2022
Easily build your LettsArt Gallery

It takes just a few minutes to create your very own FREE online gallery to show art, sell art and build an amazing list of followers and collectors. LettsArt supports physical art and digital art - and makes NFT art so simple and fun anyone can do it. The step by step guide to building […]

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25 October 2022
LettsArt is the future of the art market, with NFTs changing the internet for good.

Non Fungible Token’s (NFT’s) are well and truly with us. The latest ‘internet fad’ kicked off in 2012, with the creation of the tongue-twisting Colored Coins cryptocurrency. NFTs didn't move into the mainstream until a few years later, when the blockchain game CryptoKitties began selling virtual cat art in 2017. Most NFTs include some kind […]

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8 September 2022
The Creator Economy is Driving LettsArt

The growth of social media savvy creators is changing the media landscape, fuelling the growth of LettsArt. The “creator economy” - the platforms and tools that allow creative individuals to share content, build an audience and make money - is rocking. It is now worth over $100 billion, and is vital to the emergence and […]

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28 July 2022
'Devon Sculpture Park partners with LettsArt'

Devon Sculpture Park is an environmental arts centre hosting an array of environmental artists and exhibits, now available on LettsArt. Devon Sculpture Park (DSP), an arts centre known for its environmental advocacy installations, has adopted LettsArt as its technology platform to promote and help develop its growing community of artists.  DSP offers a refreshing direction […]

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12 July 2022
UK Technology Startup Tackling Inefficiencies in the Global Art Market

LettsArt is a British startup and the first secure, NFT enabled artist website platform.  A technology startup with a seasoned team led by Philip Letts, a well known British internet entrepreneur, has launched an online platform for visual artists, including traditional and digital artists, photographers, filmmakers and designers, to flourish by selling their art directly […]

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24 March 2022
The home for great artists

Artists come to LettsArt to show their best art and build a thriving gallery business. LettsArt is for all kinds of visual artists, including traditional and digital artists, with both physical and digital art. Artists build their very own gallery - online. Thus the process is simple with our secure payment system and NFT's included. […]

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Great software to manage, distribute and sell art